Friday, April 10, 2009

Slice of Life: Cleaning Fish (in 30secs)

Created this "Slice of Life" 30sec video, on the trot, in less than 30 minutes. I've gone real low tech on this one, experimenting with a Nokia 5800 mobile phone camera and Movie Maker for sequence edits.

Sequences are a big part of this video. I've used an opening long shot and then several medium close-ups and close-ups. Also note the action (cleaning the shells) and reaction (child's face) shots. And finally, I've used a reverse-angle shot to try and get the child's perspective.

The video sequences were shot in about 3 minutes and then edited.

I think this proves we do not need "pro" equipment to get started with learning. Once the skills come, the 5DMkIIs will follow:-)