Monday, September 15, 2008

Beyond Walls and Lessons Learnt

I was invited to photograph the mural work of a friend and artist Milan at a day care center opened at the Goa University. Milan and Priya spent 6 days creating some facinating work on the walls of the center.

Of course, given I'm now dabbling in multimedia, I do not lose any opportunity to hone in on my new skills and so decided to do an impromptu interview with Milan and Priya after the shoot.

A key lesson I learnt today is keep the recorder handy even after the interview.

Before the interview, both were pretty edgy, not being too accustomed to talking into the mic. I tried to talk to them while I got the recorder and mic set up, just to ease them up. During the interview I found them to open up as we moved along, becoming more and more spontaneous. I spent about 5 minutes talking to them and then made a cardinal mistake - I packed up.

Soon after that, Priya and Milan began telling me about how they get along together, how they managed to paint the walls - each in her own style and yet, the resulting whole blended so well together. As they spoke, I realised I did not have my recorded out! And to stop them to bring it out would have killed the mood. So, I let it pass, vowing to never put away my tools until the very end and then, keep them out a little longer.

A good lesson learnt.

1 comment:

edson_dias said...

Interesting. I have to visit the university to check this out personally.